
my personal blog yay


I checked my blog several weeks ago, and found WordPress was completely broken. Fortunately I was able to reinstall it and re-import the posts table, but all the images are gone. Mostly screenshots from Lupin III. Will fix those if and when I feel like digging through old backups.

Status update

Living in the Seattle suburbs with girlfriend and her teenager. Cats: 1. Cats in household: 6. We are super-saturated with cats. Employment: still at Skytap. Just had 8th anniversary (!!). Emotional state: fair. Still need to lose 25 pounds so I can get off some medication, and I’ve scarcely exercised since my iPad broke a …

GoDaddy spam filtering

GoDaddy sent out a notification about a critical upgrade for WordPress, so I’m taking a moment to update a few things — replace the Twitter widget, look sadly at the generic site theme and lack of activity. I’m looking at other hosting providers again. I do not get a lot of spam. GoDaddy apparently has …

Crash Blossom

I published my first comic last year. Crash Blossom: Monorail was released at the Jet City Comic Show on September 22, 2012. And by “published” I mean a limited run of 40 copies, hand-folded by the author. “Crash Blossom” was supposed to be an anthology, but as it turns out there were only two of …

Changed jobs

The following had been sitting in my drafts folder since March 2012. After 19 months at Lockerz, I’ve made the jump to another Seattle startup called Skytap. They provide “cloud automation solutions,” basically a tool that allows you to create weather on the fly. 😉 Ahh, too tired to explain cloud computing. I was excited …

Still alive

Yep. Unlike some people, I am still alive as of this writing. Also, I finished the single-player campaign in Portal 2. The game itself felt too short, even at more than double the length of the original; I don’t think they could have made it long enough to do it justice. The ending was suitably …

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